Cat Seizures (Everything You Need To Know)

Cat Seizures (Everything You Need To Know)

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Cats, like humans, can suffer from seizures—a sudden, uncontrolled burst of abnormal brain activity. They may manifest in a variety of ways, from subtle, barely noticeable signs to dramatic and frightening episodes. Regardless of the intensity, it’s critical to understand what causes cat seizures, how to identify them, and the best methods for managing and treating them. This comprehensive guide will provide you with everything you need to know about cat seizures.

What Are Cat Seizures?

Seizures in cats can be described as brief periods of abnormal behavior brought about by unusual electrical activity in the brain. During a seizure, your cat may exhibit unusual physical movements, sensory experiences, or behavioral changes.

There are three stages to a typical seizure: the prodrome, the ictal phase, and the postictal phase. The prodrome is a period of altered behavior prior to the seizure. The ictal phase is the seizure itself, and the postictal phase is a period of confusion and disorientation that follows the seizure.

Common Causes of Cat Seizures

There are many reasons why your feline friend might experience a seizure, including both internal factors (like metabolic and genetic issues) and external causes (such as exposure to toxins).

1. Epilepsy

Epilepsy is one of the most common causes of recurrent seizures in cats. It is a chronic condition marked by repeated episodes of seizures. The underlying reasons for epilepsy in cats aren’t fully understood, but it’s believed to involve abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Genetic factors may also play a role in some cases.

2. Metabolic Disorders

Various metabolic disorders, such as liver disease or kidney failure, can cause seizures in cats. The buildup of waste products in the blood can interfere with normal brain function, leading to seizures. These conditions can usually be managed with appropriate veterinary care and dietary changes.

3. Trauma

Head injuries can cause immediate seizures or may lead to epilepsy later in life. Any trauma to the head should be taken very seriously and evaluated by a vet as soon as possible.

4. Brain Tumors

Brain tumors can cause seizures in cats, much like in humans. A tumor can disrupt the normal functioning of the brain, leading to a variety of neurological symptoms, including seizures.

5. Infections

Certain viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections can cause inflammation of the brain, which can trigger seizures. Examples include feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) and toxoplasmosis.

6. Exposure to Toxins

Certain poisons or toxins, including those found in some plants, household cleaning products, and human medications, can trigger seizures. Always keep potentially harmful substances out of your cat’s reach.

Symptoms of Cat Seizures

Understanding the signs of a cat seizure can help you quickly identify the situation and seek appropriate medical care. Here are some common symptoms:

  • Sudden bouts of uncontrolled shaking or twitching
  • Unusual vocalizations
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Uncoordinated movements, like stumbling or falling over
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Involuntary urination or defecation

Sometimes cats will experience seizures when sleeping. You can read more about that in our article on cat seizures while sleeping.

Diagnosing Cat Seizures

If you suspect your cat is having seizures, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet will likely conduct a complete physical and neurological examination, as well as a series of diagnostic tests. These tests can include blood work, urinalysis, imaging tests (such as MRI or CT scan), and possibly a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Your vet may also ask for a detailed history of your cat’s health and behavior.

Treatment for Cat Seizures

The treatment for cat seizures largely depends on the underlying cause. If a specific cause is identified, the treatment will aim to resolve it. For instance, if a toxin is the cause, your vet will work to remove the toxin from your cat’s system.

If your cat is diagnosed with epilepsy, anticonvulsant medication may be prescribed to manage and prevent seizures. The most commonly used anticonvulsant medications in cats include phenobarbital and levetiracetam.

In addition to medication, lifestyle adjustments can also be beneficial. This can include creating a safe and calm environment for your cat, regular vet check-ups, and a balanced diet.

If your cat is suffering from seizures, then it's very much worth it to consider several promising Natural Remedies for Cat Seizures. Natural remedies can give your cat much needed relief without some of the side effects associated with other treatments.

Prognosis and Managing Cat Seizures

Although living with a cat with seizures can be challenging, it’s important to remember that many cats with seizure disorders can live long, happy lives with the right management and care.

If your cat has been diagnosed with a seizure disorder, consider the following management tips:

  • Safety: Ensure your cat’s environment is safe. This might include padding sharp corners, blocking access to stairs during a seizure, and keeping your cat indoors.
  • Avoid Triggers: If you notice certain situations or stimuli trigger your cat’s seizures, try to avoid them when possible.
  • Regular Vet Visits: Regular vet visits are crucial to monitor your cat’s health and adjust treatment as needed.
  • Record Seizures: Keep a seizure diary. Note down the duration, symptoms, and any possible triggers. This information can be very helpful to your vet.
  • Support: Providing a calm and loving environment can help reduce stress and anxiety in your cat, which could minimize seizure frequency.

In conclusion, seizures in cats are a serious condition that warrants prompt veterinary attention. With a clear understanding of the symptoms, causes, and treatments, you can provide the best care for your feline friend experiencing seizures. Regular veterinary care, coupled with a safe and supportive environment, can significantly improve the quality of life for a cat with seizures. Remember, every cat is unique, so it’s crucial to work closely with your vet to develop a tailored treatment and management plan.

Life Expectancy of a Cat with Seizures

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to the question, “How long can a cat live with seizures?” It largely depends on the underlying cause of the seizures, the frequency and severity of the seizures, the cat’s overall health, and the effectiveness of treatment.

If the seizures are due to a treatable condition and are well-controlled with medication, your cat may lead a fairly normal life span. However, if the seizures are frequent, severe, or due to a serious condition like a brain tumor, the prognosis may be less optimistic. Cats with untreated chronic seizures may have a shortened life span due to the potential risks associated with recurrent seizures, including brain damage and physical injury.

The Role of Regular Veterinary Care

Regular veterinary care is crucial in managing seizures in cats. Your vet can help identify the cause of the seizures, recommend the most appropriate treatment, and monitor your cat’s response to treatment. Regular check-ups can also help catch any potential complications early, which can greatly improve your cat’s prognosis.

Living with a Cat with Seizures

Living with a cat with seizures can be challenging but rewarding. With appropriate care and management, many cats with seizures can lead happy, fulfilling lives. Here are a few tips:

  • Monitor your cat closely for any changes in behavior or seizure activity.
  • Administer prescribed medication as instructed and keep regular vet appointments.
  • Provide a safe, stress-free environment for your cat. Stress can sometimes trigger seizures.
  • Keep a seizure log to record the frequency, duration, and nature of the seizures. This can be invaluable information for your vet.

Preventing Seizures in Cats

Prevention strategies will depend on the underlying cause of the seizures. For instance, if your cat’s seizures are due to epilepsy, your vet may prescribe anticonvulsant medication. If a metabolic disorder is the cause, dietary changes or other treatments may be necessary.

Regardless of the cause, regular vet check-ups are vital to monitor your cat’s health and detect any potential issues early. It’s also crucial to keep your home as safe and stress-free as possible, as stress can trigger seizures in some cats.


Witnessing a seizure in your cat can be a distressing experience but understanding the causes, knowing how to respond, and how to live with a cat with seizures can help ensure your cat receives the best care possible.

The causes of cat seizures are diverse, and the underlying issue may not always be immediately apparent. Consulting with a veterinarian greatly increases the chance that your cat can live a fairly normal life, even while you’re both navigating the difficult path of illness.

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