CBD For Cat Seizures: An In-depth Guide

CBD For Cat Seizures: An In-depth Guide

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As pet owners, the health and well-being of our furry friends is a top priority. Unfortunately, cats are not immune to health issues, including seizures. Seizures in cats can be distressing and can signal underlying health problems such as epilepsy, brain tumors, or infectious diseases. If your cat is suffering from seizures, then natural, safe remedies may help manage this condition.

Enter Cannabidiol (CBD) – a non-psychoactive (zero “high”) compound derived from the Cannabis plant that has shown promising results in managing seizures in cats. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on the use of CBD for cat seizures.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the numerous compounds, known as cannabinoids, found in the Cannabis plant. Unlike Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another well-known cannabinoid, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, meaning it won’t make your cat “high.” Instead, it’s renowned for its potential health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and anti-seizure properties.

Understanding Seizures in Cats

We need to understand what a seizure is before we can say whether CBD will help. A seizure is a sudden uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. It can cause changes in behavior, movements, feelings, and levels of consciousness. For cats symptoms of a seizure might include sudden bouts of shaking, loss of consciousness, uncontrolled muscle activity, and behavioral changes.

Seizures can be caused by various issues such as brain tumors, epilepsy, trauma, or exposure to toxic substances. If your cat experiences seizures it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian to identify the underlying cause.

CBD and Seizures: What does the Research Say?

A groundbreaking study conducted by the American Epilepsy Society found that CBD resulted in a significant reduction in seizure frequency in children with treatment-resistant epilepsy. Similarly, research in rodents has shown CBD to possess anticonvulsant properties, further lending credence to its potential use in seizure management.

In 2018, the FDA approved a CBD-based drug, Epidiolex, for the treatment of two severe forms of epilepsy in humans. While there is yet to be an FDA-approved CBD product for cats, these findings demonstrate CBD’s potential in managing seizures.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex cell-signaling system that plays a key role in maintaining the body’s homeostasis. The ECS is involved in several bodily functions, including sleep, mood, appetite, and immune response.

By interacting with the ECS, CBD can help regulate these functions and provide therapeutic benefits. In the case of seizures, CBD appears to interact with receptors in the brain that can calm over-activity, reducing seizure frequency and severity.

Getting the Right CBD Product

There are actually 2 commonly sold types of CBD products. The majority of products sold are made with full spectrum hemp extract and contain THC, the cannabinoid that causes a “high” and other side effects in humans and animals.

The type of CBD product most suitable for pets (including cats, dogs, birds and even horses) is made with broad spectrum hemp extract, which contains all of the beneficial aspects of the hemp plant without THC.

When buying a CBD product, ensure that it has third-party lab results easily available for every product sold. Another good metric is if the product is USDA organic certified, meaning the USDA has inspected every step in its production and deemed it safe. You can easily tell if the product is USDA organic if the logo is on the container, or looking up the company in the USDA Organic Integrity Database. Any company that sells USDA organic products will show up there.

To find out if CBD would be a good addition to your cat’s wellness journey, see our page on CBD Oil for Cats for more information. If you think it would be easier to give your cat treats than oil, you can find out more from our page on CBD Treats for Cats.

Administering CBD to Cats for Seizures

CBD can be administered to cats in various forms – CBD oil, CBD-infused treats, and CBD capsules. CBD in oil form is most commonly used due to its high absorption rate. It can be added to your cat’s food, but to ensure correct dosage, it would be ideally administered directly into the cat’s mouth using a dropper.

The correct dosage will depend on factors like the cat’s weight, the severity of the symptoms, and the CBD product’s concentration. It’s best to start with a low dose such as 1mg/kg and slowly increase it until you see improvement in your cat’s symptoms. Always consult with your vet before starting a CBD regimen.

Safety and Side Effects of CBD

CBD is generally considered safe for cats, but it may cause some side effects, especially when administered in high doses. These may include drowsiness, dry mouth, lowered blood pressure, and diarrhea. To minimize these side effects, start with a low dose and increase gradually under the guidance of a vet.


While more research is needed on CBD’s effectiveness and long-term safety in cats, preliminary findings and anecdotal reports suggest it might be a helpful addition to seizure management strategies.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to replace professional veterinary advice. Always consult with a licensed veterinarian for pet health concerns or beginning a new treatment.

With the right care and treatment, cats experiencing seizures can still live comfortable, happy lives. While CBD may not be a cure-all, it could potentially offer some relief from seizures and improve your cat’s quality of life. Remember to always choose high-quality CBD products and administer them responsibly for the best results.

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