End Stage Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

CBD for end stage hip dysplasia in dogs

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Hip dysplasia might sound like a big, complicated term. But it’s really about a problem some dogs have with their hips. It’s like having a squeaky door hinge that doesn’t move smoothly. For dog owners, knowing about hip dysplasia is important because it helps us keep our furry friends happy and healthy.

How a Healthy Dog Hip Works

Every dog loves to run, jump, and play. To do all this, they need their hips to work well. Think of a dog’s hip as a ball-and-socket joint, kind of like how your shoulder works. When everything fits and moves perfectly, it’s like a dance. The dog can twist, turn, and sprint without any pain. A good hip means lots of fun and wagging tails!

What Happens in Hip Dysplasia?

Imagine playing with a toy that has parts that don’t fit well together. When a dog has hip dysplasia, it’s a bit like that. The ball and socket of their hip joint don’t match up perfectly. At first, it might just be a little mismatch, but over time it can get worse. “End-stage” means the mismatch has gotten so bad that the joint is really struggling. It’s like a rusty hinge that can barely move anymore.

Symptoms of End-State Hip Dysplasia

Dogs are great at showing us how they feel, even if they can’t speak our language. If a dog has end-stage hip dysplasia, they might:

  • Walk with a limp, like they’re trying to avoid putting weight on one side.
  • Take a long time to stand up after resting or look like they’re struggling.
  • Not want to run or play as much as they used to.
  • Whine or yelp if you touch their hip area.
  • Spend more time resting or sleeping than before.
  • It’s sad to see our furry friends in discomfort, but spotting these signs early can help get them the care they need.

Dogs who are experiencing end-state hip dysplasia could probably benefit from a high-quality CBD Oil for Dogs.

How Hip Dysplasia Affects a Dog’s Life

When a dog’s hip hurts, it changes how they live their daily life. Just like when we have a sore foot, we might not want to walk or run as much. For a dog with a bad hip:

  • Playtime might decrease. They could avoid games that involve a lot of running or jumping.
  • They might find a quiet corner to rest more often, instead of being the active and playful buddy they once were.
  • Stairs could become a challenge. They might hesitate to climb up or down.
  • Socializing with other dogs could change. They might be more cautious or even a bit grumpy if they’re in pain.
  • Their mood can change. A usually happy and excited dog might seem a bit down or sad.

It’s tough seeing our pets not being their usual self. But understanding their condition helps us support and care for them better.

Sometimes hip dysplasia is not the cause of mobility issues, and the real culprit is IVDD. Read our article on CBD for IVDD in Dogs to learn more.

When to Seek Vet Assistance

Dogs are tough, and sometimes they try to hide their pain from us. But as their best friend, we can notice when things aren’t right. Here are some signs that should make dog owners think about visiting the vet:

  • Changes in Movement: If your dog starts moving differently, like limping or avoiding putting weight on one leg.
  • Difficulty Standing Up: If they struggle to get up after sleeping or resting.
  • Avoiding Play: If your dog, who once loved fetch or chasing, suddenly isn’t interested anymore.
  • Over-Reaction to Touch: If they yelp or pull away when you touch their hip or back area.
  • Change in Appetite: Sometimes, pain can make dogs eat less.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good idea to visit the vet. Dogs suffering a loss of appetite thanks to hip dysplasia might benefit from CBD Treats for Dogs.

Treatment and Care for End-Stage

When a dog reaches end-stage hip dysplasia, our main goal is to keep them as comfortable as possible. Here’s what can be done:

  • Medical Interventions:

    • Medication: Vets often prescribe medicines that reduce pain and inflammation. These can significantly improve a dog’s quality of life.
  • Comfort Measures:

    • Soft Bedding: Provides a gentle surface for sore joints.
    • Ramps: Helps dogs avoid the strain of climbing stairs.
    • Gentle Massages: Relaxes muscles and can improve blood flow.
    • Non-Slip Mats: Prevents slips and falls on smooth surfaces.
  • Natural Treatments and Approaches:

    • Holistic Approaches:

      • Acupuncture: Thin needles stimulate specific points on the body, which can provide pain relief.
      • Physical Therapy: Exercises and treatments designed to maintain joint mobility and reduce discomfort.
  • Supplements:

    • Glucosamine: Supports joint health and can help maintain the protective fluid around the joint.
    • Fish Oil: Contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can help with joint discomfort.
  • CBD:

    • It’s crucial to choose a CBD product specifically designed for dogs, ensuring it has no THC. THC can cause unwanted psychoactive side effects in pets. Generally, the best form to use is oil. If your dog won’t use oil, treats are the next best choice. Relievet products, including oils and treats, are THC-free.
    • Always follow weight-based dosing guidelines and consult with a vet before starting any new supplement. The best weight-based dose for most dogs is between 1-2mg/kg. Relievet products are made to follow this dose.

To find out more check out our aticle on CBD for Dogs with Hip Dysplasia.

Prevention and Early Detection

Every dog owner wants their furry friend to live a pain-free life. While hip dysplasia can be genetic, meaning it might run in dog families, there are steps to reduce the risks or catch it early:

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Extra pounds mean extra stress on a dog’s hips. A balanced diet without overfeeding is key.

  • Regular Exercise: Low-impact exercises like swimming are best. They keep dogs fit without stressing their hips.

  • Avoid Strenuous Activity in Puppies: Their joints are still growing. Limiting activities like high jumps or rough play can help protect them.

  • Regular Vet Check-ups: Yearly check-ups can catch early signs. Early detection might mean treatments that can slow down the disease.

  • Know Your Breed: Some breeds are more at risk. Being extra attentive to their hip health can make a difference. Breeds often prone to hip dysplasia include:

    • German Shepherds: These large, active dogs can sometimes face hip issues.
    • Golden Retrievers: Their size and genetics make them more susceptible.
    • Labrador Retrievers: Like the Goldens, Labs often face this challenge.
    • Saint Bernards: Their hefty size can be a factor.
    • Bulldogs: Their unique body structure might contribute to the problem.

Knowing and watching helps. With care and observation, we can offer our dogs a chance at a healthier, more comfortable life.


Loving a dog means wanting the best for them, and understanding conditions like end-stage hip dysplasia is part of that love. While it can be a challenging issue for our furry companions, being informed allows us to offer them the best care possible. From early detection to the right treatments, every step we take ensures they enjoy their days filled with tail wags, belly rubs, and all the joys of being our loyal friend.

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