Why Your Female Dog Might Be Peeing on Your Bed

Why is my female dog peeing on my bed all of a sudden

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Image that one day, your female dog starts peeing on your bed. This is new. She hasn’t done this before. It’s strange and can make you feel worried and a bit upset. Dogs usually have places they go to pee and poop. So, when your dog pees on your bed all of a sudden, it’s a big change.

You might wonder why she’s doing this. Is she feeling okay? Is she upset about something? It’s not fun to have to clean up, and it’s not fun to see your furry friend acting in a way she usually doesn’t. We understand that this can be a tough situation. That’s why we wrote this article. We want to help you figure out what might be going on with your dog and how you can help her. In this article, we’ll talk about some reasons why dogs might start peeing in new places and what you can do to help them get back to their old habits.

Understanding Urinary Behavior in Dogs

Dogs have their own ways of going to the bathroom. Normally, they like to go outside or in a special spot that they know is okay. They do this because it’s a habit and they feel safe and comfortable. They learn where to go pee and poop from when they are puppies. This is called their urinary behavior. Just like you know to go to the bathroom when you need to go, dogs learn where they should go too.

Dogs love routines. They like doing the same things at the same times every day. This makes them feel safe. A routine is like having a favorite part of the day, like snack time or play time, but for everything they do. So, when it comes to going to the bathroom, dogs like to have a routine too. They might have a special spot outside and a special time when they go out. Keeping the same routine helps dogs know what to expect. It helps them feel good and act good. When routines change, it can make dogs feel worried or confused. So, it’s really important to keep things the same for them. This way, they will keep going to the bathroom where they should, and they will be happy and comfortable.

Possible Medical Causes

Bladder Stones

Bladder stones are like tiny rocks that can form inside a dog’s bladder. The bladder is an organ that holds pee until it’s time to go. Just like a stone in your shoe might hurt, bladder stones can hurt dogs when they try to pee.

Dogs with bladder stones might have trouble peeing, or they might pee in places they shouldn’t. They could whimper or look uncomfortable when they try to pee. Sometimes, you might see blood in their pee too.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Sometimes dogs can get sick in the parts of their body that help them pee, just like people can. This sickness is called a Urinary Tract Infection, or UTI for short. UTIs can make it hard for dogs to hold their pee, which can lead to accidents.

If your dog has a UTI, she might pee more often, or she might try to pee but nothing comes out. It might hurt her to pee, and you might see blood.

Female dogs are more likely to get UTIs because their urethras (the tube that carries pee out of the bladder) are shorter.

Pregnancy or Pseudo-pregnancy

Sometimes, female dogs might act like they are pregnant, even when they are not. This is called a false or pseudo-pregnancy. Both real and false pregnancies can change how often a dog needs to pee. If your dog is peeing more or in new places, this might be why.

Estrus (Heat) Cycle

Female dogs have a time when they can have puppies. This time is called being in heat or the estrus cycle. When female dogs are in heat, they might pee more often or in new places to tell male dogs that they are ready to have puppies, and one of these places can unfortunately be your bed.

Hormonal Imbalance

Besides behavioral changes, after being spayed a female dog might have a change in their body’s hormones. This change can make it hard for them to hold their pee, especially when they sleep or are relaxing. This is often called spay incontinence.


Incontinence means not being able to control when you pee. This can happen to older dogs or dogs who had surgery to stop having puppies (spayed dogs). It’s not their fault; their bodies just can’t hold the pee in like before.

Dogs with incontinence might leak pee without knowing it, especially when they sleep. You might find wet spots where they were sitting or lying down.

If you think your dog is sick or if she’s having trouble peeing, it’s really important to talk to a vet. They can help figure out what’s wrong and how to make your dog feel better.

Behavioral Causes

Stress or Anxiety

Dogs can get stressed if there are loud noises like fireworks, or if new people come to your home. When dogs feel this way, they might pee in places they shouldn’t, like your bed. It’s their way of saying they’re upset.

To help your dog, try to find out what’s bothering her. If it’s a loud noise, like a thunderstorm, maybe you can move her to a quiet room. If it’s new people, give her time to get to know them slowly.


Dogs sometimes pee to leave a message for other dogs. It’s like saying, “I was here!” This is called marking. If your dog is peeing on your bed, she might be trying to say that your bed is her spot.

If your dog is marking a lot, it might help to give her more attention and play with her more. You can also clean the spots where she marks really well (use enzymatic cleaner), so she doesn’t smell her pee and try to mark it again.

Changes in Environment or Routine

Dogs love having a routine. They like to eat, play, and go outside at the same times every day. If something changes, like if you move to a new home or change when you feed her, it can make her feel worried. And when she’s worried, she might pee on your bed.

Try to keep your dog’s routine the same every day. If things have to change, change them slowly so your dog has time to get used to the new way. And always make sure she has plenty of time outside to pee in her usual spots.


We talked about a lot of things that might make your dog pee on your bed. It could be because she’s feeling sick, or it might be because she’s feeling worried or upset. Sometimes, dogs just need some time to get used to new things. It’s always good to watch your dog and see if she’s acting differently.

It’s really important to talk to a vet if you think your dog might be sick. They can help figure out what’s wrong and how to help your dog feel better.

  • https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/false-pregnancy-or-pseudopregnancy-in-dogs
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